performing life as objects and becoming family.
sen.t.diments involves performing life as objects, and being in/becoming family. This work comes out of being the mother of a young kid. For a babe, everything is not yet something and first comes through an embodied experience of the world. But the babe does not come into the world mastering signification, and messes things up: I am into the radicality and disobedience of my kid’s sensuousness. This performance aims to make minimalism meet story, protagonist, friend, feelings, mother, techno, particular proximity, laughter and home.
Ideation, performance and choreography
Hanako Hoshimi-Caines
Artistic advisor and external perspective
Nadège Grebmeier Forget
Conversational partner
Erin Hill + Wynn Holmes + Jordan Brown
Light fairy
Nien Tzu Weng
Image credit
Nadège Grebmeier Forget
Sound activator
Samuel Woywitka
Techno track
Beta Blockers Andrew Whiteman + Stephen Ramsay
Special thanks
Kai Woodley-Caines + Thus Owls + Woody
With the support of
Conseil des arts du Canada + MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) +
Casa del Popolo + Centre Ph
collage 1: eve stainton
collage 2: nadège grebmeier-forget
+ stills from video
The score is a list.
Text samples from Jane Rice (The Rainbow Gold from The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction), Kai, and Susan Sontag.
Words, sentences and actions have been gathered into a collection, in other words taken out of their familiar context.
Each *thing becomes the scene or stage of itself. This relation of objects as ends as opposed to means is called the “magic circle” (Walter Benjamin!).
The experiment and experience of sent.d.iments is that the object/sentence/action quivers when it enters the magic circle: the re-ordering of this *thing in a collection and its removal from “normal” use, has the childlike element of playing. This leads to the “renewal of existence in a hundred unfailing ways” (Benjamin). I collect these bits of life like a child’s repurposing of all kinds of objects as toys.